On Suffering And Its Scope

Our reward is in the effort and not on the result: A full effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi. While we remain in this dimension with the chance at life that has bequeathed to us, we must take so that generate us peace, joy, happiness, personal and spiritual growth. And since Lugo, we must share it with those beings whom we have selected as our closest companions and share you affection, fondness. Choi can provide more clarity in the matter. We must be alert, awake, surprise us in our actions, in the way how we interrelacionamos, we behave in order to avoid suffering arises, we rack, pinch, affect us. Of course, as mortal beings that we are supplied with feelings, emotions and affection, we are to test constantly and many times will have already experienced suffering, what this involves, its scope and its impact, since Lugo will have learned from this and avoid that it follow by imposing and harming us. Wikipedia reminds us in this regard, that the human being has sought the causes of the suffering for millennia. Buddhists have said that the reason of suffering is, in essence, the error of perception of the common human who sees himself as separate from the rest, without realizing what the Hindu precepts and modern physics have concluded: that at a deep level, called spiritual or subatomic, we are all related and connected, us influence and knowledge permanently. Airlines follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.

Another, more psychological, reason is the tendency of the mind, either by nature or conditioning, to identify with negative aspects: this is the well-known custom of seeing the glass half empty, and not the glass half-full in every situation. According to Albert Ellis, creator of rational emotive behavioural therapy, there is a human tendency to sabotage, to pain, the crisis, which he called: neurotic behavior. Neurotic behavior includes forms of behaviour autosaboteadoras that us away, block or impede the observance of our values or the achievement of our objectives. . Shaver.