Student Perspective

“Sikom supports as a sponsor of the ‘ future price communications ‘ Heidelberg, August 09, 2011 as the Sikom Software GmbH software manufacturer and provider of contact center solutions and automated voice applications supported in this year the price of future communication” as official sponsor. The competition has to motivate the target students to inspire, to spin ideas about the future of communication and to develop new business models from the field of communication. The prize is awarded for the best and most innovative concept, a plausible vision or an outstanding analysis of future forms of communication on 25 October in the framework of initiative week of communication”on the voice + IP in Frankfurt am Main. Airlines supports this article. We see a good way to support the research and development site Germany in promoting such a prize. Innovative products, new business models and new communication channels must not necessarily always come from Silicon Valley.

Germany has enough bright minds that only appropriately supported must”, explains Jurgen H. Hoffmeister, managing partner of Sikom Software GmbH. the student competition, which revolves around the many facets of communication, refers to a topic that already has a large social, technological and economic importance for Germany. This importance will only increase in the future.” Students of all universities in all over Germany, can participate in the competition regardless of the Department and the number of semester. The questions which the posts should go to are deliberately broad in scope with and ranging from technology development to marketing, culture, economy and society.

Central is only one consideration: How can humans use the communication possibilities of the future makes sense? “.” At the end of a presentation of the communication must be the future represented as design, software, graphic, text or presentation. The “Future price communication” in this year already for the sixth time by the German Association of postal services, information technology and telecommunications e.V. awarded. A jury decides the winner may be pleased about prize money worth a total of 10,000 euros. The awards presented the winners by the organizers and sponsors, which this year also Sikom Software GmbH is the. I’m really looking forward to the submissions of the participants. You never know, if not perhaps a revolutionary idea like Facebook, Skype or eBay emerges in the course of such competition”, as Jurgen H. Hoffmeister. The communications industry develops so dynamically that a further leap in development can stand outside the door at any time. Companies like we need wise and creative heads, which help us to initiate new developments and then to promote with courage.”# end # the Sikom Software GmbH is a leading manufacturer and provider of contact center solutions and automated voice applications and is one of the most innovative companies in the field of telecommunications. Based on open standards, Sikom realized powerful and future-proof solutions to optimize communication processes in all industries. Sikom Software GmbH Bergstrasse 96 69121 Heidelberg Rebecca Kimmel Tel. + 49 6221 13788-0 fax + 49 6221 13788-130 email