TUS Manos Que

Your hands that you do not betray! By. Claudia Arellano is said that age is noted in the hands, of course this is terrible! what are we going to do? I’m sorry but we do not have another option that care for them, this so difficult for the majority of women, especially for those like me who wash the dishes is bread of every day thinking about you and me, is that we list the following recommendations prevent to regret not always as in everything, is better start to care for you in time, and in your hands is no exception, but if perhaps part more difficult, but with good habits can keep a few hands of Princess for a long time: for cleaning tasks always used latex gloves, take care products chemicals such as detergents, soaps, cleaners, etc not touches directamenteNo forget to wash them, and then always apply a cream Humectanteaplicate a mask once a week, you can do it before sleep and protect with gloves. Awaken better than snow white natural recipes for a few hands of Princess moisturizer for hands. At least three times a week rinse your hands with an infusion of bay leaf, celery and walnut, the change that you will see will be impressive but you have to have perseverance. You can also use this rinse to make your manicure.

Natural exfoliants lemon. Coleman to be a useful source of information. Mix the juice of 1 lemon and a teaspoon of sugar. Apply over your hands massaging well to form a creamy substance and until the sugar has been diluted. Let stand for 5 minutes and rinse very well. Sugar. Mix a little of your usual cream of hands with a teaspoon of sugar and massage with this mixture until the sugar is almost dissolved. Then wash your hands with warm water, dry them very thoroughly and apply again the cream usually.

It will drag the dead cells, and will facilitate blood circulation masks nutritious soft hands, even when you have much to wash. Performs a mixture of grated potato and olive oil, apply regularly especially if your household duties much dries the skin of your hands. A second option is to put them a little bit in hot water and apply a mixture of egg yolk and olive oil. 10 minutes and remove. Very soft hands on hands apply the pulp of a tomato. Do it six or seven days followed and for 20 minutes each time. It is infallible. And now if you no longer have any pretext! Original author and source of the article.